kinetour fusion


design, planning and crafting of a media installation for the fusion festival, with jörg lorenz, videos by thomas harzem
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kinetour – a play of perspectives and movements created for the cinehangar, the cinema at the Fusion Festival in the Kulturkosmos Müritzsee. For this installation, the three essential elements of the cinema – projector, screen and chair – have been reinterpreted for the outdoors. The setting was arranged in such a way that the exterior of the cinehangar became a film set. In this space the visitor was not passive while the camera did the movement for him, but rather he or she navigated through multiple perspectives. Within the set, the screens were accompanied by bed/u/ins – double-sided recliner seats with a gauze roof – that invited people to linger, providing a view of the screens as well as the surrounding landscape. The video material projected had been created in Italy by the video artist Moontan especially for this occasion. Spectators who moved between screens and bed/u/ins cast shadows to the screens when coming closer to them, becoming physically involved with the imagery of the video clips. A small platform was situated directly in front of the hangar on to which stills were projected. These stills could be set into motion: high-backed chairs designed to function as partial screens for the projections were mobilised with casters on the platform so that sections of the entire projection could be selected and distorted. Continuing the theme of re-interpretations, the theatre bar was augmented with sensomata – inviting red velvety elements in various body-like shapes attached to the bar. These tactile qualities enhanced communication at the bar by creating intimate spaces when leaning onto them in conversation.